Information in English
Vrijwilligerscentrale Arnhem (Volunteer Centre Arnhem) is a city-wide organization that assists individuals in finding volunteer work, supports and advises voluntary organizations and promotes volunteer work in Arnhem.
Our Vacaturebank (vacancy database)
The volunteer centre brings people in contact with volunteer organizations who need volunteers for all kinds of different purposes. Volunteers can search through almost fourhundred volunteering opportunities via the online Vacaturebank.
Opportunities for English-speaking volunteers
While many vacancies listed in our database require fluency in Dutch, some organizations welcome volunteers who speak English. When searching the online vacancy database, check the box ‘geschikt voor anderstaligen’ (suitable for speakers of other languages) in order to find opportunities that do not require fluency in Dutch.
Found something that suits you? Then you can register online and apply directly to most of the volunteering opportunities.
Need help?
Having trouble navigating our site? Since our site and the vacancies posted online are written in Dutch, we are happy schedule an appointment to help you find volunteer opportunities. The advisor will assist you with any questions and match you to interesting vacancies based on your skills and interests. Email: